Handsome Alice Theatre Presents The Tall Building – The Half Step – Stephen Hunt

Sulla (Genevieve Pare) is anxious. She’s a woman in her thirties, who lives in a tall building, in a city on fire, where coyotes roam the streets.

There’s an assassin (Telly James) – who may or may not be – a figment of Sulla’s imagination, lurking around, bored and lonely – assassins might look like they have exotic, exciting lives in the movies, but for this melancholy killer, it’s a whole lot of hurry up and wait.

Then, one afternoon, Boy (Geoffrey Simon Brown),a quirky, lonely home schooled kid who’s obsessed with 7-11 slushies and is a not-so-secret admirer of Sully, shows up in her tall building one day to interview her for his self-published student newspaper.


The Good Bride pairs conservative fundamentalism with fast food – Daily Hive


Handsome Alice Theatre Looks Out From The Tall Building – Joyful Magpies